Back Pain Relief at Keilor East & Gladstone Park

Addressing the core of your discomfort to help you reclaim your freedom of movement.

Easing Your Journey Back to Comfort

Comprehensive Back Pain Solutions

Back pain can be more than an inconvenience; it can disrupt your life. At RISE Physio & Rehab, we understand the complexities of spinal health and offer comprehensive back pain solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our goal is to not only alleviate pain but to address the underlying issues for long-lasting relief.

Tailored Therapies for Back Pain Include:

Personalised Assessment: A thorough evaluation to identify the root cause of your back pain.
Hands-On Manual Therapy: Techniques aimed at reducing pain and improving function.
Targeted Exercise Programs: Custom exercises to strengthen the back and core muscles, enhancing support for the spine.
Ergonomic and Lifestyle Advice: Guidance to modify daily activities and prevent pain recurrence.

Focused on Long-Term Outcomes:

Our approach is not just about quick fixes—it’s about sustainable health. We empower you with the knowledge and tools to:

Prevent Future Episodes: Learn strategies to keep your back strong and resilient.
Manage Pain Independently: Gain skills to control and reduce pain flare-ups on your own.
Enhance Overall Function: Improve your overall mobility and quality of life with targeted interventions.


A Stronger Back, A Better Life

With RISE Physio & Rehab, embark on a path to a stronger back and a life free from the constraints of pain.

Start Your Recovery Today

Don’t let back pain hold you back any longer. Schedule an appointment with our dedicated team and start your journey to recovery.

Find the support you need to address back pain effectively, with evidence-based treatments that aim for long-term relief.

Rise above back pain and regain the comfort and mobility you deserve with RISE Physio & Rehab.



Keilor East

Gladstone Park