Hand Physiotherapy at Keilor East & Gladstone Park

Restoring function and freedom to your fingertips.

Revitalise Your Hand Function

Expert Care for Your Hands

Our hands are vital to daily life and even minor impairments can have a major impact. At RISE Physio & Rehab, we understand the complexity of hand function, offering specialised Hand Physiotherapy to restore, maintain and improve the intricate movements that are essential for everyday tasks.

Tailored Hand Therapy Solutions:

Comprehensive Hand Assessments: Thorough examinations to identify the root cause of your hand and wrist issues.
Customised Rehabilitation Plans: Strategies and exercises designed to target your specific needs, whether post-surgical, traumatic, or overuse conditions.
Manual Therapy and Mobilisation: Techniques to decrease pain and increase the range of motion in your hand and wrist.
Ergonomic and Activity Modification Advice: Helping you adapt your environment and habits to support hand health and prevent re-injury.

Hand Physio

Conditions We Address in Hand Physiotherapy:

Our professional team is equipped to assist with a wide range of hand conditions, including:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Easing the pressure on the median nerve to alleviate pain and numbness.
Tendonitis: Reducing inflammation and promoting healing in affected tendons.
Fracture Rehabilitation: Guiding you through recovery post-fracture to regain strength and function.
Arthritis Management: Strategies to manage pain and maintain mobility in the presence of arthritis.

Regain Strength and Dexterity

Our dedicated approach focuses on the nuances of hand rehabilitation, empowering you to return to the activities you love with improved hand function.

Reconnect with Your Capabilities

Let us guide you toward effective recovery and optimal hand health.

Begin Your Path to Hand Recovery

For specialised Hand Physiotherapy that brings back the strength, dexterity and function to your hands, choose RISE Physio & Rehab.

RISE Physio & Rehab is committed to your hand health, offering expert care to ensure your hands remain capable and pain-free.