Sports Physiotherapy at Airport West & Gladstone Park

Unlock your athletic potential and elevate your game with RISE Physio & Rehab.

Champion Your Sporting Ambitions

In the arena of sport, your body is your most valuable asset. At RISE Physio & Rehab, our Sports Physiotherapy service is designed to fortify your athletic prowess, accelerate injury recovery and guard against future setbacks—so you can perform at your peak.

Why Our Sports Physiotherapy?

Movement is your passion and helping you maintain that passion is ours. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an elite athlete, our tailored approach ensures that you stay on track, break barriers and achieve your goals.

Our Competencies:
  • Detailed injury assessment and diagnosis.
  • Individualised treatment plans to match your sport and lifestyle.
  • Advanced rehabilitation techniques to get you back in action faster.
  • Conditioning programs that focus on strength, flexibility and injury prevention.
  • Your Victories, Our Mission
  • We stand at the intersection of healthcare and athleticism, treating a spectrum of sports- related conditions:
Acute Sports Injuries: Rapid response and effective treatment for sprains, strain and fractures.
Overuse Injuries: Strategic interventions for conditions like tendinitis and stress fractures, so your passion never burns out.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Expert guidance to return you to your sport with confidence and resilience.
Performance Optimisation: Elevating your physical capacity to compete with excellence.
Our Playbook: Our Sports Physiotherapy program is a synthesis of cutting-edge science and in-the-field experience.
Evidence-Based Treatments: Utilising the latest research to inform our therapies ensures your recovery is efficient and effective.
Functional Exercise Regimens: Beyond rehabilitation, our exercise programs are devised to enhance your athletic performance and reduce the risk of re-injury.
Dynamic Biomechanical Analysis: We scrutinise your movement patterns to pinpoint inefficiencies and optimise your form.
Sports Physio

Rise Above the Competition

Every session is a stride towards supremacy in your sport. With RISE Physio & Rehab, you’re not just getting back into the game; you’re rewriting the rules of what you can achieve.

Embark on Your Comeback Story

Don’t let injuries sideline your aspirations. Partner with RISE Physio & Rehab and step into an era of unrivaled athletic performance.